Junior RISE is designed for young people in year 6 and 7 that are identified at being at risk of a poor transition and engagement in school due to influencing factors of disadvantage and vulnerability such as domestic and family violence (DFV), mental health, child protection intervention and socio-economic status to name a few. Year 6 is when many young people first encounter peer pressure, substance abuse, and social bullying. Junior RISE High follows on from the primary component working to engage and settle young people into secondary school life. The program aims to work with groups of 18 – 20 young people one hour per week over 16 weeks of Terms 1 and 2. Whilst the program gives preference to participants who completed the year 6 transition program, it is not a prerequisite as it is an effective standalone model.
In our educational sessions, we engage with young people to support them to:
- Increase resilience,
- Cultivate emotional intelligrence,
- Develop positive behaviours, and
- Set them up for social and academic success at high school.
Survey results show a 68% increase in student goals and 86% increase in sense of belonging and satisfaction their new school. The excitement from the students spread to the parents with 75% happy with their child's mental health and wellbeing and 100% 'very much' or 'mostly' satisfied with the Junior Rise program.